- When a masked killer begins to terrorize the small town of Citrus Springs, a reluctant psychiatrist and an inexperienced police detective must aid each other in catching the killer, and restoring the American Dream once again.
- Max Neville, after seeing an old doll in his garden, installed surveillance cameras in his house. Soon, a powerful evil entity appeared, Ms. Müller. Max will do everything possible to try to defeat Müller and her army of evil dolls.
- After being accused of her family's murder, Sarah Campbell has moved from her home in Odessa, Texas to the smaller, peaceful town of Manchester, New Hampshire. Stuck in an unfamiliar place, Sarah rediscovers joy in her oldest hobby: dance. Sarah joins a local dance-team run by dance legend Jay McConnell and befriends h…
- 某个男子单身公寓内,住着三个性格各异却十分投缘的好哥们,分别是志愿成为导演的现如今正在录影带商店打工的横山要(山田孝之 饰)、偏差值为72的的药学科天才研究生真野真广(林遣都 饰)以及供职于快递公司且背肌力高达280公斤的新田广重(阿部进之介 饰)。他们的交往始于大学时代,当然这也多亏年龄最大的横山不断重考才让三人有了交集。历…