搜索 Sachs

  • A young girl that regularly dresses as a boy falls in love and seduces a young girl that has no clue that her lover has the same sex. When the girl introduces 'her boyfriend' to her father he becomes skeptical and unmasks the fraud. Even though, strangely, the feelings of the girl persist without shifting, the father d…
  • 神秘博士沙达
  • Sumuru is a beautiful but evil woman who plans world domination by having her sexy all-female army eliminate male leaders and replace them with her female agents
  • Karla邀请Katrine同她一起度假,希望她们能成为最好的朋友。但一切似乎都没有按计划进行:Karla遇见了Jonas并坠入爱河,很快把对Katrine的友情抛在脑后。但一桩突发事件的出现迫使她们把所有小矛盾暂时放下,重新联合起来。
  • Somewhere in the Home Counties in the late 1930s, Angela visits her insane father Lord Moping at the County Home for Mental Defectives. There she meets the kindly lunatic Mr Loveday. Charmed by him, she begins a campaign for his release.Fawlty Towers stars Prunella Scales and Andrew Sachs join David Warner and Fenella …
  • 电影《西厢琴断》《Interrupted Melody》是米高梅电影公司一部早期的彩色音乐电影,由葛伦‧福特(Glenn Ford)、艾莲娜‧帕克(Eleanor Papker)、罗杰‧摩尔( Roger Moore)、彼得‧李德(Peter Leeds)等人主演,由威廉‧鲁特维克(William Ludwig)和索尼亚‧李维安(Sonya Levien)根据传奇女高音玛乔莉‧劳伦丝(Marjo…
  • 公元2034年,在一次匿名的飞行中,因机械故障而迫降在荒野,机员被不明生化病菌所感染,个性大变,凶性大发,全体机员及乘客在性命安危受到要胁下,又有恶劣天候与地震灾害不断发生,全体人员却逐一的被病毒所感染,全船危机迫在眉睫,眼看著就要
  • 《奥托,与僵尸同行》Otto; or, up with Dead People导演:布鲁斯·勒布鲁斯主演:Jey Crisfar, Katharina Klewinghaus, Susanne Sachsse国别:德国/加拿大一个叫奥托的年轻僵尸出现在人迹罕至的高速公路上,他不知道自己是谁,也不知道要到哪里去。他搭上便车来到柏林,而一座废弃的游乐园成了他柏林之行的第一站。不久他就被地下电影制作人美…
  • 电影剧情
    《奥托,与僵尸同行》\r\n  Otto; or, up with Dead People\r\n  导演:布鲁斯·勒布鲁斯\r\n  主演:Jey Crisfar, Katharina Klewinghaus, Susanne Sachsse\r\n  国别:德国\/加拿大\r\n  一个叫奥托的年轻僵尸出现在人迹罕至的高速公路上,他不知道自己是谁,也不知道要到哪里去。他搭上便车来到柏林,而一座废弃的游乐园成了他柏林…