搜索 Salinas

  • A man who figures out the hard way agoraphobia isn't his biggest problem.
  • If you've ever longed for a movie about wrestling women who take on various monsters, this is it! Xochitl, the mummy, can turn into a snake or a bat, which is difficult to get half-Nelsons on. Loreita, the Golden Ruby, joins her sister to battle the evil Prince Fugiyata and her Oriental female wrestlers. The mummy is a…
  • As the last of an exotic species called the Juanins, Juan Harry is very special. He works as a producer of the news show 31 Minutes—until one day, everything changes. Thanks to the conspiracy of malevolent animal collector Catirula Godan, …
  • 这部电影是从小爱打棒球的好莱坞大编剧约翰·葛里逊(John Grisham)为自己实现的一个梦,他一手包办编剧、制作,还在片中客串演出联盟主席。不晓得那600万美元制作费中约翰葛里逊出了多少,可见实现梦想的代价相当大。本片讲述了美国少棒联盟里的发生的故事,13岁的少年投手米基在父亲的帮助和鼓励下打进了少棒联盟世界大赛(Little Lea…
  • "The Bolivian fiction feature Yawar Mallku is one of the most famous examples of Latin American militant cinema. Like most of these American militant films, this one was made on a modest budget in spite of major obstacles. Bolivia has no significant filmmaking traditions or facilities. Mules had to be used to tran…
  • A young writer traumatized by the death of his wife and kid, describes his disturbing experiences to a psychiatrist. A mysterious man, hidden under an umbrella, forces him to finish his book regardless the cost of its consequences.
  • 电影剧情
  • 一个家庭的宁静的夜晚在一个可怕的转弯时,三名男子戴着口罩和头巾闯入他们的房子并将他们扣为人质。当他们为家庭入侵者提供他们想要的东西时,他们中的一个揭示了他们选择房屋的真正原因。
  • 卡洛斯·绍拉作品。绍拉被公认为是最有西班牙特色的导演,对复兴西班牙电影起到很大作用。影片最大特色是充满异域风情的音乐与舞蹈。