搜索 Schuurman

  • 电影喜剧
    马克思(Tim Haars 饰)和朱尔斯(Daniël Arends 饰)虽然没有血缘关系,但从小在同一屋檐下长大,彼此之间情同手足感情十分要好。饱受感情折磨的父亲从小就教育他们,女人不可信,永远不要陷入爱情之中,这样的念头在兄弟两人脑中根深蒂固,长大之后,他们都成为了没有定数,玩世不恭的花花公子。然而,某日,一位名叫安娜(西尔维娅·侯克斯…
  • Berry is a nice teenage boy from a Dutch suburban villa family, who alas abuses the excessive liberty granted by his mostly absent pa, an actor, committing truancy from his elite school in bad down-town company. Despite this dwindling future perspectives, his cute and cocky appearance makes him quite a lady-killer; Ber…
  • Bonnie takes care of her mother Lis, more than she takes care of Bonnie. Then one day Lis brings home an elephant…Bonnie (9) likes elephants, just like her family. Bonnie's mother, Mis, is not like other mothers. Sometimes she is very live…
  • Maria Vos net zwanger van haar derde kind. Haar relatie met Geert staat echter op springen en Maria besluit het kind niet te houden. Terwijl ze kampt met schuldgevoel, krijgt ze te maken met bizarre anonieme bedreigingen. Het is het begin van een zenuwslopend kat-en-muisspel, waarbij Maria er alles aan doet om zichzelf…
  • 本片讲述的是Klaasje和dennis离婚了,因为dennis与一个老师婚外恋。Dennis想和她复合,但是她已经与一个年轻人坠入爱河了,dennis后悔也来不及。 同时 ,Klaasje最好的朋友Simone是她家庭的核心人物,她的丈夫Ted 常觉得自己是多余的,但又没有勇气告诉Simone, 他在外面胡搞瞎搞。泳池服务生Victor,期待着与他此生的最爱Kees结婚。但…
  • 故事发生在1988年的阿姆斯特丹。传奇爵士小号手切特·贝克离奇身亡,侦探卢卡斯受雇调查这背后的真相。为了查清贝克死前几天发生的事情,卢卡斯开始了一段阴暗的音乐旅程。旅途中,他分别遇到了贝克的最后一位情人萨拉、沉默寡言而又穷困潦倒的友人西蒙,以及含糊其辞的粉丝菲尔古德医生。在试图洞察这位声名狼藉的小号手内心同时,卢卡斯也不得…
  • Painkillers is about Casper, who lives with his mother and doesn't know his father. He loves playing the piano and he is happy when he is accepted into the youth orchestra. Especially when he becomes friends with orchestra member Anouk who knows what he's going through when he suddenly discovers his mother has cancer. …