搜索 Shako

  • The life of Paula, Louise, Max, Randolf and Donnie get out of line. Love and career prospects open up. But it comes different then it should be and the end could equally be the beginning...
  • 某医院青年医生伊凡是个热情负责的医生,他发现了医院里有很多问题,提出过很多批评和建议。很快和他的同行和老同学德米特里发生了矛盾,进而发生了激烈的冲突。德米特里是个心术不正、自私自利、向上爬的人。他盗窃同行的科学论文,骗取了硕士学位和副教授职位,破坏新的治疗方法,不惜牺牲病人的终身幸福和生命,来达到自己可耻的目的。此外,…
  • 电影剧情
  • 这部电影由莫斯科大剧院前首席演员,乌兰诺娃的高徒Maximova主演,其夫Vasiliev导演,由专业的芭蕾舞演员自己来演绎芭蕾舞演员的生活、工作和演出本片片名Fuete音译自俄文的芭蕾术语Фуэте指的正是《天鹅湖》中黑天鹅招牌的旋转动作。而这一动作在电影中也反复出现,是本片的一大特点。当年国内播放这部电影的时候,考虑到观众对于专业术语…
  • The Chosen is the first multi-season television series about the life of Christ, as witnessed through the eyes of those He impacted. Directed by Dallas Jenkins (The Resurrection of Gavin Stone) and distributed by VidAngel Studios, The Chosen has grown to become the largest crowdfunded TV series of all time.
  • 圣彼得堡,1912年。新世纪的进步正在到来,但人性并没有随着进步而改变——人们仍然在互相夺取生命,有时是以最可怕和最令人难以置信的方式。每次警察用他们所有的现代设备无法破解一个可怕的谋杀案时,就会打电话给著名的外科医生,40岁的医学教授沃斯克列先斯基来帮忙。沃斯克列先斯基调查的案件是最无法解释和最可怕的。一个又一个案件,沃斯…
  • The action of the movie is set in the late 11th century Constantinople during the time of the 1st Crusade. The crusaders need the help of the emperor Alexius to get to Jerusalem while the latter tries to do his best to get rid of the unwelcome guests. At the same time Caesar Nicephorus plays his own game and betrays hi…
  • BFF-BestFamilyForever
  • 电影
    A short, poetic dance film set in New York, where a writer longs for an imagined connection he has never had.