搜索 Wessels

  • While transporting the unstoppable killer Bonejangles to an asylum, a group of police officers encounter a hellish pit stop: a cursed town where the dead rise from their graves. Now the only way to save their lives and the town is to release Bonejangles and fight the curse...with something much worse.
  • 影片讲述的是一个令人愉快的家庭冒险的故事,07年在荷兰上映后取得了良好的票房。影片根据1924年发表的现在在荷兰家已经喻户晓的冒险小说改编,背景设置在17世纪荷属东印度群岛(今印度尼西亚雅加达一带),讲述了三个小伙子跟随班德固船长经历的种种冒险奇遇以及友谊和信心受到考验的故事(爱上了同一位美丽的当地姑娘)。
  • 当《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的预算被削减时,剧中的极客伊薇特和泰勒不得不考虑一个拯救他们作品的计划。然而,这一计划给该剧的新英雄Marko Marais带来了意想不到的后果。
  • 电影
    Blitz Patrollie chronicles the adventures of Rummy Augustine (Joey Rasdien) and his partner, Ace Dikolobe (David Kau), police officers who have had the misfortune of being stationed in a little known depot in the belly of the Johannesburg CBD. Rummy is bogged down with trying to start a family and an overbearing mother…