搜索 Hendrickx

  • 电影恐怖
    安娜在床上醒来,脑袋因为前一夜的狂欢有些昏沉疼痛。她打开手机,发现新增一款名为“伊丽丝”(IRIS) 的神秘互动APP;它将好姊妹出轨的证据偷拍下来,还将不雅照、私密影片和讯息散布至脸书,监控她的生活,周遭朋友纷纷卷入,陷入恐慌。安娜用尽一切办法,欲将伊丽丝移除,却引来致命杀机。不甘居于劣势的她,决定正面迎击…。
  • 电影爱情
    故事发生在1940年5月的荷兰鹿特丹。年轻的荷兰小伙子文森特(Jan Smit 饰)和他的弟弟在一家酒店担任服务生的工作,同时文森特还是一名业余拳击手。五月初的一天,德国富商的女儿伊娃(Roos van Erkel 饰)来到酒店准备与德国实业家德克(Pieter Van der Sman 饰)结婚。正在送面包的文森特在街上与伊娃邂逅,他们在桥边为伊娃拍照时,偶然间遇…
  • 女人四十好年華,烈女娜汀事業有成,獨立自主,仍然未婚,卻不愁找不到情人,只是生理時鐘滴滴答答,當看到人家的小孩,始終有所遺憾,不是沒想過生兒育女,卻總是錯過機會,落入家庭與事業的矛盾中。娜汀在超市與舊情人碰頭,他已為人父,母親卻不是她。一時衝動她搶了人家的嬰兒車拔腿就跑,帶著舊情人七個月大的小孩驅車上路,越過邊境,亡命…
  • 影片讲述的是一个令人愉快的家庭冒险的故事,07年在荷兰上映后取得了良好的票房。影片根据1924年发表的现在在荷兰家已经喻户晓的冒险小说改编,背景设置在17世纪荷属东印度群岛(今印度尼西亚雅加达一带),讲述了三个小伙子跟随班德固船长经历的种种冒险奇遇以及友谊和信心受到考验的故事(爱上了同一位美丽的当地姑娘)。
  • The life of Kees Bakels, a Dutch boy living in the beginning of the 20th century: his adventures, his love for Rosa, from 12 to 23 years old.He is a dreamy boy who often withdraws in a fantasy world where he practices lots of heroic deeds. When his father suddenly becomes ill Kees must take his responsibility and take …
  • 电影家庭
  • A father takes his wife, two sons, a friend and his daughter on a hiking trip in the woods. After a long search for a spot to set up camp, the father finds a perfect place overlooking a pool. Everybody seems to get settled quickly and when the night falls the two sons listen to a ghost story told by their father's frie…
  • In 1940s Amsterdam, Jewish Council co-chairman David Cohen and his daughter Virrie have their bond tested as they pursue increasingly opposing ways of safeguarding their community under Nazi rule.
  • AnneSeason2
    ANNE is a relatable story about the turbulent love life of a young lesbian woman in her twenties in Amsterdam. The pilot season of the series received a lot of Dutch media coverage due to the positive representation of LGBTQ characters, characters without a focus on their sexual identity or coming-out. ANNE tells a uni…
  • AnneSeason1
    我们的一生可能会交往不同的人,经历初恋、欲望的诱惑、真爱到一个想要与之共同厮守的人。当繁华过尽,回头望去,始终想要追求心中那一抹最初的美好,但我们并不完美,我们也会犯错,只因为我们是凡人。特此献上一部荷兰网剧,让我们一同跟随女主Anne的脚步,经历五场处于人生不同阶段,与不同年龄,性格各异的女孩恋爱故事。by 微博@亿万同人字…