搜索 Zhan

  • Kimyagarov的传奇三部曲之二。The Legend of Rostam and Sohrab: A milestone in Tajik Cinema History influenced by Persian Mythology photocomposition. Born in Samarkand (Uzbekistan) to a Jewish family, Bension (Boris) Arievich Kimyagarov was to mov…
  • Film-shock, film-scandal - so, according to the director-producer of drama Jeanne Isabaeva, "Karoy" was named on the Venetian film festival-2007. And such conclusions involuntarily too come to you after viewing this film. It wakens so much inconsistent, even aggressive feelings and emotions that to resist to …
  • In The Little Fish in Love a city is seen as open, accessible, multiethnic and free to travel around. This depiction of space alters a stereotypic image of a Socialist city that prevailed in the Soviet film making industry – a city centripetal and unexposed to outer impacts. In the film by Karpykov the city becomes exp…
  • 第一世,八戒与翠兰别离,流下第一滴眼泪。取经归来,八戒仍忘不掉翠兰,变央求佛祖让他轮回再续前缘,佛祖允之。第二世,八戒又与翠兰抱憾而终,流下第二滴眼泪。第三世,八戒穿越到现代校园,一出场便搞砸校庆晚会,让大明星顾可心出尽洋相,还当众求婚这一世的高翠兰——负责校庆的老师高胜男,校庆变闹剧。早一年穿越来的唐僧师徒认出八戒,…
  • 电影战争
    中文名远东间谍战外文名Far East Espionage War出品公司峨嵋电影制片厂制片地区中国大陆导 演佳木编 剧胡月伟类 型剧情主 演鲍里斯克柳耶夫,吴坚,丰国栋,王惠上映时间1992年胶片长度10本1937年的一个秋夜,苏联远东内务部队人民委员会的将军莱索托夫游过中苏界河。关东军少佐秋草健率领马队将莱索托夫生擒。莱索托夫自称出于无奈才叛逃出国。…
  • 莫斯科白桦中学十年级A班的女学生卡巴金娜拾到一张纸条,交给了德语女教师玛丽雅·巴甫洛夫娜。纸条是某男生写给某女生的,上面说:“……我一直想着你。我愿意上学,因为班上有你,我的心爱的!……现在我感到了什么是真正的爱情……”玛丽雅·巴甫洛夫娜读了这番话,“眼前都发黑了”。她立刻把这封信交给了A班班主任柳德米拉·尼古拉耶夫娜和…
  • 电影生活
  • 本片讲述了因工致病的小人物易叶挺,试图用一己之力,努力改变中国电子工业禁“苯”的故事。主创信息:导演、剪辑师、第二摄影师 Lynn Zhang:纪录片导演,毕业于纽约大学纪录片专业。Lynn曾先后供职于纽约时报北京分社、亚洲协会纽约总部以及西班牙加泰罗尼亚电视台北京分社。导演、制片人 Heather White:学者,毕业于哈佛大学。关注全球供应…
  • 这是一部人物传记片。描写了在伟大卫国战争中,苏联英雄、红军第二师师长萨比尔·拉希莫夫将军在白俄罗斯战线上英勇战斗的故事。
  • A little boy Anatole lives in 1960s in the steppe in Kazakhstan with his parents-archaeologists. One day he witnesses the accidental death of his brother, this drama traumatizes the boy so much that he loses his ability to speak. Once he meets an old Kazakh who will teach him to hear again the world around him and will…