搜索 Zhan

  • 旅居以色列多年的柯汉教授回到儿时的故乡——保加利亚的小城普罗夫迪夫。在这里,多年未见的故人和儿时的恋人,拉开了他回忆的闸门。本片通过柯汉教授的个人经历,触及了保加利亚社会主义时期的诸多弊端:农业合作社的失败、政治斗争的激化和宗教民族矛盾。此片将会令中国观众忆起文革之殇,有种伤感的亲切。而经历了苏联解体的保加利亚,正处在…
  • 日军侵华,医科学生孙扬(张扬)和徐若梅(白露明)扮作医生夫妇从事敌后情报工作。黎慧如(夷光)为获得情报,引诱敌伪特务聂羽亭(罗维),她受陈大哥(王豪)的指挥刺杀聂羽亭,失败就义。第二次行刺时,孙扬被捕,徐若梅去营救也被抓。后来他们被同志张标(洪洋)和高杰(田青)救出,通过炸毁铁桥,将经过的聂羽亭和日本宪兵队长击毙。徐若…
  • 战俘与战后社会题材永恒经典黑白大片。苏联导演谢尔盖·格拉西莫夫(Sergei Gerasimov)“六十年代人”四部曲其一。战后15年的克里米亚,风韵犹存的莫斯科女医生带着21岁的美丽女儿驾车前往塞瓦斯托波尔,途径辛菲罗波尔时巧遇曾在被困的列宁格勒救助过自己的苏军中尉,由此引出苏军中尉1942年突围受伤被俘后的集中营生涯和战后的流浪经历……战…
  • In a film that’s been compared with the work of Paradjanov for its colorful, mystical, and myth-based story, Khamraev fashions a fragmented, dreamlike coming-of-age tale. Medieval Uzbekistan is the setting for an odyssey that launches an o…
  • It is the second part of the trilogy of films on figures, poems and letters of Pushkin. Folk music in execution of ensemble under the direction of Dm. Pokrovsky. The film contains such plots: " “The Fair" ","Faust" and "The Album"; Norshtain U. took part in the plots " "To M…
  • 电影
    故事发生在位于北方山区的农村,打铁的张银锁(侯冠群 饰)和王腊月(王馥荔 饰)彼此相爱,携手步入婚姻的殿堂,并且很快就有了一个可爱的儿子,不仅如此,张银锁还被提拔成为了公社铁工组组长,可谓是双喜临门。然而树大招风,在铁工组“拔白旗”的运动中,张银锁被诬陷为白旗,怒火攻心的他出手打上了公社的副社长,最终被捕入狱。张银锁被抓…
  • A social drama. The period of the Second World War in Turkmenia. In Central Asia the deportation program of the Soviet citizens of German origin begins. All adults are taken to camps in Siberia and children are put in orphanages. The six-year old Georg hides from the Red soldiers and finds himself left almost alone in …
  • Another well-recognized work of the chief director in Mosfilm Karen Shahnazarov. As usual Karen gives very absurd and bright story-line that shows ordinary problems in a very special ironic way. This is not a horror film it looks more like comedy, but it touches upon horrific ideas that come to mind in state of jealous…
  • An American worker believes that owning a share in the factory where he works will give him a say in the running of the company and save him from poverty. Described in animator.ru as “a critique of ‘folk capitalism.’”