搜索 Zhan

  • 少女萨莎为了找到在战争中牺牲在阿塞拜疆的父亲的坟墓,来到亚美尼亚寻求当年父亲战友古柯的帮助。但古柯却因为不想面对过去不愿帮助萨莎。在萨莎的努力下,古柯终于勇敢面对过去,帮助了萨莎,也完成了自我的救赎。
  • Childhood memories play on the mind of the central character, Garry. Many years on, he returns to his native town. Everything feels alien and strange. Our hero comes back to recover his memories, the good ones and the bad ones, the pleasant ones and the painful ones. Will the old fortune-teller Nina, a well-known dream…
  • 尤菱素生长于一个中等人家,一心追求自由,与富家子裘少甫相恋。一日,尤家来了一位亲戚,要为菱素介绍婆家。菱素慌了手脚,要裘少甫赶紧相办法。少甫幼年丧母,继母陆氏溺爱其亲生儿子少云,而薄待少甫,并常在其父裘荫棠面前说少甫的坏话。因此,当少甫提出欲与菱素成婚,即遭父亲拒绝。但少甫决心已定,不惜违抗父命定要与菱素成婚。菱素之父…
  • 电影剧情
    剧情梗概: 影片讲述了十八世纪时,哈萨克人民团结一心、众志成城,在昂额拉海与准格尔侵略军决一死战,保卫家园的故事。 在这场决定性的战役中,由于准格尔人的侵略暴行而成为了孤儿的萨尔泰,集结了众多和他一样身世命运的孤儿们,率领他们响应祖国的号召,投入了战斗。萨尔泰率领着被他这支后人尊称为“一千勇士”的队伍,向着数量远远超过自…
  • 电影喜剧
  • A pigeon decides to kill himself by jumping off a building. He contemplates his decision on the way down.
  • This film tells the story of her return to China as an internationally acclaimed interpreter of Bach’s music, 35 years after leaving her country. The decision to return to China was not easy for her. The wounds of the Cultural Revolution, …
  • Awarded Best First Feature at the Locarno International Film Festival, German-Argentinian newcomer Nele Wolatz’s THE FUTURE PERFECT explores fractured relationships within culture, tradition and language in this whimsical romantic comedy. …
  • 哈萨克斯坦选送角逐2010年奥斯卡最佳外语片是没有对白的《柯林》(Kelin),该片讲述了公元2世纪中亚地区的一段包办婚姻,由Ermek Tursunov自编自导,将在本届多伦多电影节上放映。A woman is led by her family to her new husband's home, to live with, presumably, his elderly mother and you…