- 傳七補物帖-女郎蜘蛛片長:105分〔傳七捕物帖系列〕1954年~1959年製作了11作品原作是連載在〔京都新聞〕〔捕物俱樂部〕捕物作家俱樂部野村胡堂,城昌幸谷,屋充陣出達郎,上師浩二,佐佐木杜太郎的合作小說。時代是在12代將軍德川家慶的治世;發生在大江戶街頭上的奇怪事件。黑門丁的阿竹一同揮舞著法瑪陸續的解決事件--松竹京都時代劇黃金時…
- 在一个破旧的乡下豪宅,住着Merrye家族的最后一代,由于近亲结合,Merrye 一家有着一种退化性疾病,导致他们从心理上年龄只有10岁或者更低,承受着身体与精神的双重诅咒。家庭司机精心的为他们掩盖真像。但是当贪婪的律师和远方亲戚发现这一切后...
- In San Francisco, the sportsman Kay Hoog tells to the members of a club that he has found a message in a bottle with a map from a Harvard's missing professor telling about a treasure of an Inca lost civilization still alive. He decides to go to Peru to seek the gold. However, members of the secret criminal organization…
- In San Francisco, the sportsman Kay Hoog follows Lio Sha in a subterranean Chinatown and discloses that her organization is seeking a Buddha-head diamond that will release Asia from tyranny. He is captured, but he escapes and chases The Spiders, embarking as a stowaway in the Storm Bird. The ship heads to London, with …