- Somewhere in the Greek provinces, in the '80s&. The story revolves around a group of 15-year-olds. The main characters of that group, ALEXIS and ANTIGONI, as well as their parents, their relatives and friends are depicted in the movie, creating a fresco of a Greek village. Antigoni and her family have recently moved to…
- 3个住在拖车公园的退休老兵以微薄的退休金度日,整天都想办法让邻居季丝注意他们,她以前在在赌城当表演女郎的。某天,他们在沙漠里发现一个装满现金的手提箱, 他们以为好日子来临了,其实这是黑帮被盗的薪金, 其后黑手党和联邦探员也来到小镇来处理他们。